Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Writing and Science- Jasmin

Kia ora everyone,

I hope you all are enjoying the school holidays and keeping safe in your bubble. Check out what Jasmin has been learning and doing at home. She has learnt that butterflies have different colours and she did a marvellous job in painting her own butterfly.
Jasmin also did an awesome job in story writing using finger spacing, based on her favourite ice-cream topping which has grapes, pineapples, and chocolate sticks..Yummm!
Ka Pai Jasmin!

Jasmin is learning that butterflies have different colours and that she can paint her own interpretation of a butterfly.

 Jasmin is writing about her favourite ice-cream toppings.  She is learning to write a basic sentence using finger spaces, word charts and her letter-sound knowledge to spell words.

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