Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Term 2

Hello, Kia ora, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Hallo, nǐ hǎo, Fakaalofa atu !

Welcome to Term 2. I hope you all are well and excited about this new term.
Our distance learning starts today and we are going to do loads of fun and interesting activities. The distance learning timetable is on the top of our blog, beside the 'Home' button. It is now accessible to all of you so go through and see what activities you are able to complete. Do not forget to email it to me so I can post it up on our blog for all your buddies to see.

All the best for your learning.
Have an amazing day!😊
Miss Ash


  1. Nice work Miss Ash! Exciting that distance learning starts today, I can't wait to see what your students share with you :)

  2. What a great day it was today! Awesome to see you smiling Miss Ash!

  3. Thank you so much Mrs Bond and Mrs G. Hope you also had an amazing day.
