Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Making fractions

Check out this piece of tasty maths we suck our teeth into!
Halves and quarters have never been more fun.
How many different ways can you cut toast?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Welcome back to Term 3

We made puppets out of one sheet of paper. We decorated them using coloured paper for eyes, ears and tongues. It was such a fun afternoon. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Amazing Watermelon!

James has been growing a watermelon at home and it has grown to the most amazing size!  It looks bigger than him!  Did it taste good too?


As part of our topic of 'Balance,' Room 20 has been learning about gymnastics.  We have been balancing across beams, jumping off springboards and landing on 2 feet, and trying to stay upright on wobble boards.  Have a look at our balancing efforts!  There are more photos up in the classroom.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Impossible Bridge

We read the book The Impossible Bridge in class. After reading it we decided to build our own bridges.  Have a look at what we created.

Amazing Writing

We wrote stories about a time we spent with our families.  Have a listen to our stories.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dancing Raisins!

We looked at floating and sinking this week.  Room 20 had some great ideas about why some things float, and some things sink.  We discussed about heavy and light objects, the shape and size, introducing the word 'density.'  We had some raisins, half the class thought they would sink because raisins are dense, half thought they would float because raisins are little and light.

First, we half filled a jar with water.  We put the raisins in and they sunk.  Raisins are denser than water.  Next we tipped the water out and half filled a jar with soda.  Initially the raisins sunk, but then they started bouncing!!  They went up and down in the jar.  Why was that?

The raisins have lots of little creases in them.  Bubbles get trapped on the raisin, when enough bubbles get trapped the combined raisin/bubbles become less dense than water and the raisin floats up.  When it gets to the surface, the bubbles pop and the raisin sinks back down again, as it has become more dense than the water again.

Think like a scientist...I wonder??
Will vinegar and baking soda work the same?
Will a different soda like Fanta or Coke work?
Does temperature change the results?

Thursday, May 9, 2019


We've been reading the big book 'Camouflage' this week.  We've learned about how different new Zealand animals use camouflage to protect themselves, and to be more effective predators.  As the ground is currently covered in autumn leaves, we thought about which creatures would be well camouflaged amongst them.  We covered paper with autumn leaves and then hid a variety of creatures in them.  Can you spot the kiwis, skinks, hedgehogs, snails and slugs hiding in the leaves?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Room 20 are learning about fractions this week.  Things we need to remember;

  • Fractions are fragments (pieces) of a whole
  • The pieces need to be the same size (equal)
  • The number at the bottom of a fraction tells us how many pieces the whole has been cut into
We had to share a slice of bread in groups of 2, and then in groups of 4.  We worked out how to cut it up into equal pieces so that everyone had the same amount of bread.  We used 1/2 (halves) and 1/4 (quarters) to work it out.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

ANZAC's and Communication

We are learning about ANZAC day this week.  We have also been learning about Communication so we investigated ways that the ANZAC's communicated. One of the ways the soldiers communicated was by using flags and the semaphore alphabet.  We made our own flags and were able to communicate a long way away from each other.  In this photo we are attempting to make the first letter of our names.

Here is a link to the semaphore alphabet 

New Duffy Books!

We had a visit from Denzal, our Duffy Role Model today.  He told us all how reading books helped him to get the most amazing job, working with Rugby, Hockey and Netball players.  He also won a trophy for body building.  Denzal has a great passion for books and we found him really inspiring to listen to.  We also loved getting our new books.  Have a look at our choices.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Duffy Book Song

 We are a Duffy School. Feel free to practise this at home so you're ready for school singing.